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Nice Allegations: Twitter Gives Us Faith In Celebrities Again. Well, Some Of Them Anyway.

By Tori Preston | Celebrity | November 13, 2017 |

By Tori Preston | Celebrity | November 13, 2017 |

For weeks it’s seemed that every time you looked at social media, all that greeted you was more bad news. Oh, you liked that actor? They’re a piece of shit. Or they’ve got a horror story to share about the way they’ve been mistreated. The truth about the worst of humanity has seeped into every corner of our cultural awareness of late. And while it’s good, this sea change that is holding people accountable at long last for their serial abuses, harassments, and misconducts — and shining a light on the systems that allowed these deeds to continue unabated for so long — it’s also exhausting. Which is why it was such a relief when this rallying cry hit Twitter last Thursday:

Wait, you mean NOT EVERYONE IS GARBAGE? Are we even allowed to talk about good things anymore? What is this feeling in my chest — this warmth that’s spreading through me? Is it… is it happiness?

So who doesn’t suck? Let’s look as some hot friendly Tweetage, shall we?

I mean, this one you just kinda knew had to be true:

I don’t know how smelling good is a nice allegation but these are desperate times:

Oops, there’s that weird warm feeling again:

“Nice” is a loose thing:

I sorta hope this is true (and consensual, always consensual):

Frisbee is the great equalizer:


Sometimes all it takes is a smile:

Or a hug from Mary Fucking Poppins:

Ugh, we get it Mara, you have ALL THE STORIES:

Never forget:

Ok there’s actually a LOT of nice Danny DeVito stories:

Ok I can’t take it anymore:

+1 for dog people:

No list of random positive celeb encounters would be complete without Matthew McConaughey:


And then of course, there’s the nuclear option: KEANU

Our own Kristy Puchko even shared her own wonderful tales. Color us jelly:

To be fair, the movement wasn’t all rainbows and positivity. It did earn some criticism as well:

And I get it! I totally do! But I also sort of side with this response because JUST LET ME HAVE THIS: