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Never Fear Martha Stewart Was Humbled by Prison; She's Sending out Her Drone to Capture Her Farm's Magnificence

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | August 1, 2014 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | August 1, 2014 |

Some things never change. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for M. Diddy to have recovered so nicely after her 2004 incarceration. Stewart is clearly a very strong woman, and that in itself makes me want to support her. As always, it’s her attitude that muddies the waters, leaving a dirty trail for the Goopster and Blake Lively to follow. Many can try, but none will be able to attain the Martha-ness level Ms. Stewart has. So it probably comes as no surprise that Martha wrote a little editorial for Time magazine, extolling the virtues of her marvelous drone — last year’s birthday gift — the amazing vehicle that allows Stewart to imagine herself as André Le Nôtre, or engineers of yore who were forced to design without such a luxury. But let me not attempt to capture her enthusiasm; let Martha speak for herself:

“…I was given a drone fitted with a high-definition camera. After a quick introduction to the mechanics of operating the contraption and a few words about its idiosyncrasies, I loaded the appropriate app on my iPad and went down to the beach.

In just a few minutes I was hooked. In near silence, the drone rose, hovered, and dove, silently and surreptitiously photographing us and the landscape around us…The view I was “seeing” on my iPad with the help of the drone would have otherwise been impossible without the use of a private plane, helicopter, or balloon. With any of those vehicles, I would have needed a telephoto lens, and all of them would have made an unacceptable commotion on the beach. What’s more, I would not have been in the photos!

After marveling over what certain engineers and designers have done without the use of drones, Martha wondered what else she could do with her drone.

My mind started racing and I imagined all the different applications for my drone. I knew that every type of use had already been thought of by others (governmental agencies, businesses,, Google Maps), and I knew I could not even begin to fathom even a fraction of the social, ethical, and political challenges the widespread use of drones would create.

Though she didn’t instantly come up with a great money-making scheme, Stewart “forged ahead,”…photographing my properties, a party, a hike in the mountains, and a day at the beach.” And after that, one of Martha’s farm workers used his drone to capture the fabulousness of her 153 acre (she mentions the size) property, including “…the horse paddocks, the chicken coops, the greenhouses, the hay barn, the cutting gardens and henhouses, the clematis pergola, and the long allée of boxwood.”

My goodness, if only I could get aerial shots of my clematis, how fulfilling life would be!

At the end of her piece, Martha mentions a satirical piece on her drone love, but notes the author “missed the point” about why she loves it. I think perhaps, I have too…and I think Martha has forgotten why some people are put off by her.

Do read the piece in full. Tootles!

Cindy Davis, (Twitter) awaits the Stewart-Goop collaboration, Living Goopy.