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Natalie Dormer Playfully Calls Kit Harington an Idiot, and Champions Our Nude Equality Movement

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | November 28, 2014 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | November 28, 2014 |

Never mind the way her mouth looks; Natalie Dormer’s mouth says smart things. Not only is the gorgeous and talented actress starring in a few of television and film’s hottest properties (Game of Thrones, Elementary, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 & 2), she has humor, and wit…and foresight — something her GoT co-star Kit Harington seems to be lacking. In a new interview with The Daily Beast, Dormer playfully mocks Harington:

“I was very grateful that we had the foresight before I started Thrones to go, ‘You know what? There might be roles you want to take that would require different hair.’ [Kit] was an idiot. Lena, Emilia, and I are laughing because we sorted the wig thing out nice and early.


Dormer also discussed something very near and dear to our own…uh… hearts, nude equality for Game of Thrones:

Q: “I understand HBO has a ‘boobs mandate,’ but lots of viewers of Thrones think the show could use some more dick in there—for symmetry.”

Dormer: “Well, during the first season Alfie, Richard, and several of the men got naked—although not all the way. I suppose it’s just the rules of broadcast television, isn’t it? I think Thrones has been better than your average show with the equality, but they could definitely ramp it up! Absolutely.”

A proponent of equality on all fronts, the actress is also trying to break away from sexualized roles she calls “femme fatale” and “honeypot.”

“I love those women that I play that have sexual power…but I’m trying to step away from it for me, and for my artistic growth. It’s also more who I am. I’m not that woman.”

Dormer was a big fan of The Hunger Games before being cast as Cressida in Mockingjay Part 1 and 2, and she’s heartened by some of the forward movement in recent films, including her own:

“Women are over 50 percent of the population. It’s one of the few films that actually represents us. What we’re aiming for in the industry is not to go, “Girl power! Wave the flag!” We want to get to a place where the gender is irrelevant, because then it’s about the personality, and about the story. What I love about Mockingjay-Part 1 is that President Coin or Cressida could have easily been played by a man, and if you look at Interstellar, the Anne Hathaway or Jessica Chastain roles would have been men years ago. I’m glad that cinema is catching up to what television has known for a while: that three-dimensional, complex women get an audience engaged as much as the men. I’m a feminist in the true sense of the word. It’s about equality.

It really is crazy that the word “feminist” can have negative connotations in 2014. It upsets me that the younger generation of women think it’s a dirty word, and associate it with a kind of militantism or a sense of female superiority. It’s not. It just means liberation, and equality.”

Exactly. I think I love this girl.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)