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Michelle Beadle Spoke Out Against Floyd Mayweather on Twitter. Guess What Happened?

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | May 4, 2015 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | May 4, 2015 |

Spoiler, everyone: Twitter is a giant sack of shit!

ESPN’s Michelle Beadle has spoken out against misogyny in the sports world on several occasions, like that time Stephen A. Smith said women who are victims of domestic violence probably brought it on themselves. That’s probably why she was banned from the Floyd Mayweather/Manny Pacquiao fight on Saturday. Not pro-lady beating? NOT WELCOME, THANK YOU. Beadle was blocked from entrance along with CNN’s Rachel Nichols, who interviewed Mayweather about his history of beating women.

The Twitter madness started when Beadle, a wrestling fan, tweeted that she could no longer support Triple H, a massive Mayweather fan. Twitter simply could not handle this.

Some followers made fairly salient points, like how the NFL is filled with abusers and everyone goes right on supporting them. Also, this guy.

SO TRUE, GUYS. If you judge someone for doing something wrong, you are LITERALLY as bad as that person. Literally. Literally as bad. Thinking beating women is wrong is actually worse than beating women. Thanks, guy.