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Michael Cera Has Released a Lo-Fi Folk Album Because Of Course He Has

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | August 13, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | August 13, 2014 |

If you had asked me last week if Michael Cera had a twangy, jazzy lo-fi folk album out, I probably would have said absolutely yes. You know, if I had to guess. It would be weird if that wasn’t something that existed. Well rest easy, because now it is. And the album is amazingly similar to Cera himself. It’s odd, unassuming, and, while it may not hold your full attention, it’s really pleasant to have on in the background.

The album, which is called true that, because capitalization is for squares (do the kids still say “squares”?) is available to stream for free (or buy) over on Bandcamp.

This is a logical career move. After all, he CAN keep perfect time.

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