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Meghan McCain Has Thoughts On Jennifer Lopez? Oh Thank God

By Mike Redmond | Celebrity | June 11, 2024 |

By Mike Redmond | Celebrity | June 11, 2024 |


As the world finds itself riveted over whether Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are getting a divorce or orchestrating one heck of a publicity stunt, we’ve committed a cardinal sin: Not paying attention to Meghan McCain and that guy she’s always talking about. Some sort of … farter? Fogger? It’s probably not important.

Anyway, according to the Queen Nepo Baby Jesus, Lopez was apparently a handful when she visited The View, which is extremely rich coming from McCain, who was a handful every single minute of every day on that show. Joy Behar’s ears are still making a ringing sound like a bomb went off.

To be fair, Lopez does have a reputation for being a diva in the fullest sense, but again, Meghan is the last person who should be casting stones on that front. So, naturally, she barreled headfirst into the topic on her Citizen McCain podcast.

“I, too, share similar negative stories that the entire world does,” Meghan said via Entertainment Weekly. “I feel bad because we’re turning a point where there’s bullying happening to J.Lo. She just is a deeply unpleasant person. She had the biggest entourage I’ve ever seen [when she was on The View]. More than Kim Kardashian and the president. I just don’t really understand why it was needed.”

Meghan clearly feels bad about Lopez being bullied, and you can tell by the way she proceeds to blame Lopez for allegedly having a TikTok video pulled where Meghan said she wasn’t her favorite guest. It was a pretty bold claim with zero evidence that ended up being refuted by — let’s see here — Meghan McCain’s own team. Whoopsie doops.

“We do not know how or why we received a violation notice. We pressed ‘appeal’ and the video was reinstated in a few hours,” a rep told EW.

But, wait, there’s more!

EW has also learned that the platform’s reporting process involves both automatic detection technology as well as a system that allows other users to report videos. Via that current procedure, there is no way for McCain or Wilkins to know who reported their video, as that process is anonymous.

Let’s recap, shall we? Meghan McCain is extremely offended that poor Jennifer Lopez is being bullied by the media, but also, JLo was a real b*tch on The View and probably got Meghan’s TikTok pulled even though there’s absolutely no evidence to back that up.

You know the old saying that no one hates women like Republican women? That was engraved on Meghan’s crib.

(Via Entertainment Weekly)