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Baby Sussex Getty Images.jpg

Update: Aww, Look at the Cute Baby!

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | May 8, 2019 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | May 8, 2019 |

Baby Sussex Getty Images.jpg

The world is dark so let’s coo over a cute baby for a while!

Two days after arriving into the world, Baby Sussex was revealed to the press in a brief photo-op. The name of said baby has not yet been announced, so there’s still time to get your bets in and hope it’s something super over-the-top.

The Sussexes have faced a lot of criticism for not wanting to go through the same post-birth photo session the Cambridges do whenever they leave the hospital with a new kid, but seriously, can you blame them for wanting to avoid all this?

Happy baby!

EDIT: And now we have a name. Meet Archie Harrison!

So, they’re Riverdale fans, right? Harry likes to pay homage to a fellow ginger.

Header Image Source: Getty Images.