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Matt McGorry Took On The Idiocy Of The #AllLivesMatter Hashtag

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | July 19, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | July 19, 2015 |

This past Friday was the one year anniversary of the death of Eric Garner. Hundreds of protesters came out in New York to remember and mourn and to remind us that the world isn’t done calling bullshit on the decision to not indict the police officer who killed Garner. Previously proven Internet King Matt McGorry of Orange Is the New Black and How To Get Away With Murder took to Twitter to voice his support of the protesters.

However, a whole lot of people still take umbrage with the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag, because how dare a group of people talking about issues specific to them not explicitly include white people in their mission statement. And so McGorry’s simple show of support turned into something much bigger. In response to someone questioning whether he doesn’t think ALL lives matter, McGorry did that thing he does so well: Explain a beautiful opinion with kindness and eloquence, but no patience for bullshittery.

He also offered up the greatest analogy we’ve ever heard on the subject.

Oh, and if you still don’t like what he has to say?
