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Martin Freeman is a Delightfully Moody Prick

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | August 28, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | August 28, 2015 |

I can’t recall, exactly, where I’ve heard this but I have heard tell that, in real life, Martin Freeman can be a bit on the moody side. This may be hard to believe for fans of The Office (original flavor), but after watching his phenomenal performance in Fargo (season one, now available on Hulu!), I can believe it.

His quotes in a couple of interviews I read this morning back the unfounded theory that perhaps Freeman is a “moody prick” (delightfully so) and, now that he’s found infinite success, he can let his “moody prick” flag fly!

On auditioning for Sherlock:

“I had to do two auditions before I got the role. “My agent told me they hated me and thought I was a moody prick. … I went back again and read with Ben.”

On being thankful that Sherlock is only a few episodes every year or two:

“I didn’t go into this world as a replacement for a proper job. I like the unknown. I like not knowing what I am doing next. I think this is an adventure. I am like, I am not working for six weeks let’s try and get something on. If it were nine months of [filming] Sherlock, the first month would be great and the next eight would be ‘Oh, Christ…really?’

He’s glad they don’t make more.

“People say make more. It’s like with The Office and it’s ‘OK, yeah, but in five years you would hate us’.


On his big break:

The Office was a big open door because every fucker watched it.”

On being recognized because of The Hobbit:

“If I want to go out and buy a pint of milk it takes an hour. It’s not terrible, but I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite thing in the world. … People don’t go into acting for the fame, they do it because they like the work.”

He’s surly! I like surly Martin Freeman.


via Yahoo and Radiotimes