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Martha Stewart Does Not Wear Underwear

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | February 26, 2024 |

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | February 26, 2024 |


Celebrities, they’re just like us. Take Martha Stewart for example, who never wears underwear, only swimsuits under her clothing “just in case” she “wants to go swimming.”

She confessed Page Six at the Old Bags Luncheon (no, I did not make that up) in Florida—a place where one never knows when they might want to leap into a pool, river, ocean, swamp, what have you. “Bathing suits are my underwear,” she said. “I don’t wear any of that structured stuff. No tight lace, no Skims for Martha.”

However, she was careful to profess her admiration for Kim Kardashian’s shapewear company, assuring, “But I love Skims. I think they serve a very good purpose—but I don’t wear those. I only wear Aerie bathing suits under my clothes.” Aerie, the lingerie and swim brand owned by American Eagle, the clothing brand for mall-rat tweens. I don’t think she was wearing an Aerie suit for the Sports Illustrated cover, but you never know with this woman.

“Is Kim Kardashian going to be mad at me?” She wondered aloud, but then decided, “No, she won’t be mad at me. She knows I don’t wear Skims.” What, Martha, you don’t want the Skims nipple bra? That’s not your style?

What I really want to know is why. Why was she talking about underwear or lack thereof at this rich-lady luncheon put on by the Center for Family Services of Palm Beach County? Based on my extremely preliminary research, the Old Bags luncheon is referred to as such because designer handbags, some new and some used, are auctioned off at the event. I’m trying to imagine the train of thought that starts with used handbags and ends with what Martha Stewart wears under her sensible slacks and at a daytime event in Florida, no less. I’ll be thinking about this for the rest of the week.