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Marc Maron and T.J. Miller Really Do Not Like Each Other

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 21, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 21, 2015 |

I was listening to Marc Maron’s WTF podcast last week — which is where I found out that Office Space is single-handedly responsible for the creation and popularity of the red Swingline stapler — and near the end of the conversation, talk turned to Mike Judge’s Silicon Valley. An interesting note there is that practically the entire main cast tried out for Erlich — the role played by T.J. Miller — and Mike Judge basically modified existing characters to suit those actors in other roles.

But during that conversation, Maron also revealed that, though he likes Silicon Valley, he’s not a fan, personally, of some of the people involved in the series, specifically T.J. Miller:

I respect these guys and they’re funny guys, but I’m a cantankerous f*ck sometimes, and T.J. Miller, like, sort of as a person always sort of annoyed me. But he’s f*cking, he’s great, and I know him and I’m a known cranky bastard, but he’s great in that.

That pull quote actually sounds nicer than it was, because it was clear from the context and earlier statements that Maron really did not care for Miller, which is understable: He’s funny in small doses, but I’ve tried to listen to Miller’s podcast, and I can’t make it longer than 15-20 minutes before he begins to grate.

Anyway, Miller responded on Twitter, in kind:

And the thing is, Miller is being both funny and not. I mean, it’s an apt description of Maron, who is a cantankerous old guy sometimes (he couldn’t really disguise his annoyance with Jeff Garlin on a recent podcast, for instance) and who is kind of depressed. I love the guy’s podcast, but sometimes, it feels way too much like therapy hour, and I’m often not that interesting in listening to Maron and his celebrity guests work out their psychological issues on the show. The Melanie Lynskey episode and the Adam Goldberg episode are just two recent examples where I felt like I ended up knowing a little too much about the actors, their personal lives, and their personal demons (Lynskey is lovely, but insecure as well, and Goldberg is straight-up neurotic).

At a certain point, it’s like, “Dude: Lay off the psychobabble and let’s get back to discussing disastrous audition stories, OK?” Listen to Maron for three months, and you will pretty much know everything there is to know about his tortured, psychological history and all the issues he has with his Dad. In fact, he needles so many parental issues out of his guests that it’s become paralyzing for me because all I can think is, “What kind of f*cked up things is my kid gonna say about me when he’s older?”

via Uproxx