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Make-Up Maven Sailor J Is Back With The 'Thoughts And Prayers' Makeover America Has Been Dying For

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | February 19, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | February 19, 2018 |

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Sailor J caught our eye with her gloriously goofy tutorial about the importance of shapeshifting and deceiving men who would surely turn us into the church. She’s been offering all kinds of funny make-up vids on her channel. And in light of the latest living nightmare of mass shootings in America, this outspoken member of the Air Force is offering up a Thoughts and Prayers tutorial.

“(For blush) I’m going to go with The Blood Of Our Children, because it’s what we’re bathing in these days…Just going to dab that here, so we look flushed with embarrassment, like the rest of our country.”

Sailor J also included a link to the GoFundMe for the Stoneman Douglas Victims’ Fund. Donations go to the survivors of the Parkland shooting.