By Grainger Heavensbee | Celebrity | October 28, 2015 |
By Grainger Heavensbee | Celebrity | October 28, 2015 |
Former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle is set to receive somewhere between 5 and a half and 12 years of prison for sexually abusing 14 minors, which is not even in the ballpark of justice. It’s not in the same state as the ballpark — it’s like justice is in San Diego and you have to travel by bicycle from Texas through the Rocky Mountains to get into the vicinity of justice.
Jared Fogle, unless he takes his own life or is murdered in prison, will walk free one day, possibly as soon as 2020. He’s not even getting a full year in prison for each minor he sexually abused. That’s beyond fucked up. As this TV spot for an upcoming episode of Dr. Phil reveals, what Fogle did is probably even worse than what you might have imagined.
Dr. Phil interviews Rochelle Herman-Walrond, the former journalist who befriended and then secretly recorded her conversations with Fogle about his predilections. She also shares some of the secret recordings. Said recordings include Fogle saying he “had a little boy” and “It was amazing. ”
“It just felt so good,” Fogle continued. “I mean, it felt … it felt so good.”
In a settlement agreement, Fogle will pay the 14 people he sexually abused — 10 of whom are still minors — $100,000 a piece, or $1.4 million.
Before the case, Fogle was worth $15 million.