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Leslie Mann Dakota Johnson header.jpg

Leslie Mann and Dakota Johnson Adorably Sexually Harass A Male Interviewer

By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | February 1, 2016 |

By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | February 1, 2016 |

I’m 99.9% sure that How To Be Single is going to be terrible. Like the How To Not Make A Movie jokes are already writing themselves. But we might have been given an unexpected gift: Leslie Mann and Dakota Johnson’s new BFFdom. Sorry, Jen and Amy, no one is impressed with your epic friendship anymore. We want to hang out with Les and D (that’s what I imagine I’ll call them when I become their best friend too). We want to stare lovingly at each other like so:
Leslie Mann Dakota Johnson.jpg

We want to help repair your dress after an onstage wardrobe malfunction:
Wardrobe 1.jpg
Wardrobe 2.jpg

And mostly, we want to blatantly hit on attractive male reporters with you in the middle of an interview:

I’ve never been more upset at my lack of gifing skills because I immediately need one of them responding to his pick-up lines. I need a set of playing cards made up with their faces that say “That’s terrible” and “Don’t ever do that” to hand out at bars. And that will still be a sad consolation prize of not actually having them around to say it for me. This almost makes me forgive you for half of the movies you’ve made, ladies. Almost.

(And before anyone comments about how unacceptable this would be if the genders were reversed, 1.) it being unacceptable doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Women still get this treatment. All. The. Time. 2.) Women would be much more open to aggressive flirting if we could somehow do away with the ever present threat of sexual assault. If you want to be able to shamelessly hit on women, just solve the rape culture.)