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Leave John Travolta Alone, Scarlett Johansson Tells the Associated Press

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | February 27, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | February 27, 2015 |

Remember that time at the Oscars when ambiguously hairdo’d John Travolta — who had already face groped Idina Menzel and lecherously eyeballed Benzadrine Cumberfelch — gave Scarlett Johansson the “Uncle Smooch” (and I don’t mean the endearing uncle that works at UPS, I mean the other uncle)? And remember how the Internet turned that into a meme?


Apparently, that meme got so out of hand that Travolta’s handlers — who had already released a statement saying that the Menzel face grope was “planned” — got to ScarJo and asked her to release a statement to the effect that John Travolta is not a creepy face-licking letch. This thing actually GOES TO THE TOP. Johansson didn’t just release a statement to any old celebrity news organization. She gave it EXCLUSIVELY to the Associated Press, because nothing says BREAKING NEWS like the Black Widow reluctantly allowing the star of Gummy Bear The Movie 3D to maw her face with his lips:

As Johansson told the AP:

“There is nothing strange, creepy or inappropriate about John Travolta … The image that is circulating is an unfortunate still-frame from a live-action encounter that was very sweet and totally welcome,” said Johansson. “That still photo does not reflect what preceded and followed if you see the moment live. Yet another way we are misguided, misinformed and sensationalized by the 24-hour news cycle. I haven’t seen John in some years and it is always a pleasure to be greeted by him.”

The statement concluded, “Is that good? Is that what you wanted? Now you can please remove the shackles, David Miscavige? I have a dinner appointment.”

Source: AP