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Late Night TV IS 'Better than Ever,' Right Ladies?

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | September 14, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | September 14, 2015 |

Vanity Fair has a piece up today celebrating the new late-night landscape, and how all these news hosts have “invigorated” the format. Their actual headline is “Late Night TV is Better than Ever,” and under the image is the caption, “Invigorated!” The article’s author, David Camp, also notes that “we, the viewers, are freer than ever to choose what we like”!

We so are freer than ever to choose what we like! (As long as what we like is a male host.)

Nothing about this photo setting off any alarm bells whatsoever, huh?

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Better than ever, huh?

Well, at least we got this tantalizing photo of Mr. Colbert, so we can’t be all mad.

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Oh, and before you get all outrage-y because this piece might be a little tone deaf, do note that Samantha Bee and Chelsea Handler DID get lip service in the piece. In the last paragraph. At the bottom.

Oh, and as SLW notes, a man also wrote this article because, obviously. “I assume they didn’t hire a woman to write [this post] because there just aren’t that many women interested in being writers. Just like there are so few women comics because women don’t like comedy, so few women politicians because women aren’t interested in power, so few women scientists because women just aren’t interested in science.”

That’s definitely it. Yup.

via Vanity Fair (who we love, but yikes).