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Flynn Boyle 03aug10 01.jpg

Lady Whose Face Is Falling Off Gets Reality Show In Which Cameras Will Follow Her As Her Face Falls Off

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | October 5, 2010 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | October 5, 2010 |

So this is… random.

Lara Flynn Boyle, who used to look like this, then looked like this and now looks like this is getting her own reality show on the E! Network, which I would normally refer to as just “E!” but then that leads to an awkwardly overpunctuated sentence end.

The series will follow her as she searches for Laura Palmer’s killer, and “splits her time between her life in Texas and her marriage to real estate investor Donald Ray Thomas II and her Hollywood-centric lifestyle in Bel Air.”

My most favorite part of all “celebrity” reality shows is the constant need within them to make it appear as though this person is still quite famous and busy. Were that the case, they wouldn’t be doing the show.

Reality television has become a haven for former celebrities who ruined their careers by fucking with their faces or getting too thin. See: Spelling, Tori and Grey, Jennifer. The effects are never lasting, but it gives the subject a much-needed dose of the attention-crack they haven’t had for quite some time. And in the case of LFB, I always felt pretty sorry for her. Like so many others, this was someone who was fairly talented and became so obsessed with this need to stay young and pretty that she completely destroyed her appearance.

Look at that header again. That’s not weight gain. If you look at the full set, she’s still just as skinny as ever. The flesh is literally separating from her facial bones like brisket. She paid thousands of dollars to have that happen to her. And when the point comes in the life of a former ingenue where the work isn’t working anymore, they’re done. Which is kind of sad.

How long till Brendan Fraser’s reality show? Full disclosure: I would totally watch that.

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