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Kristen Stewart Appropriately Tells Autograph Seeker to 'Get the F*ck Out of My Face'

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 5, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 5, 2015 |

The paparazzi-shot video below gives you a fairly good idea of what kind of hell it must be to live as Kristen Stewart on a daily basis. She can’t even go to the goddamn airport without being harassed by dudes waving video cameras in her face and flashing photos. Let the woman walk in peace, for God’s sake.

To make matters worse, some jackass is also hounding her for an autograph of, I think, a photo of her and Robert Pattinson. She tells him to “get the f*ck out of my face,” but does he leave her alone? Nope. He continues to follow her outside of the airport, and even as she ignores him, he persists in being the most annoying fuck-o on the planet.

If you’re wondering why Kristen Stewart is sometimes grumpy, this offers a fairly compelling excuse. She has far more restraint than I could muster. I mean, when the paparazzi are telling you to leave her alone, maybe it’s time to LEAVE HER ALONE.