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Kristen Bell Takes Anti-Vaxxers to Task Like the Boss She Is

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | February 18, 2015 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | February 18, 2015 |

There is a growing, hideous epidemic of parents choosing not to vaccinate their children solely on the basis of stupid, terrible celebrities who think they know more about science than science (here’s your murderer’s row refresher course). Thanks to these unspeakably selfish individuals (fuck you, Blossom, my junior high hat collection and I thought we were cool) who would rather children die of preventable illness than maybe possibly be autistic, which isn’t even how it works, diseases like whooping cough, measles and goddamn tuberculosis have made resurgences.

Luckily, there are still sane, wonderful people fighting the good fight for our kids. People like the ever perfect Kristen Bell.

“When Lincoln was born [in March 2013], the whooping cough epidemic was growing, and before she was 2 months old, we simply said [to friends], ‘You have to get a whooping cough vaccination if you are going to hold our baby,’ ” says Bell during a chat for This Bag Saves Lives, a tote that supports malaria treatments.

Bell, set to host the Film Independent Spirit Awards with Fred Armisen on Feb. 21, says she’s doing the same for her second daughter, Delta, born Dec. 19, adding, “It’s a very simple logic: I believe in trusting doctors, not know-it-alls.”


Thank you, Kristen Bell. Come on, parents. Wouldn’t you rather listen to Veronica Mars than Jenny McCarthy? Wouldn’t you rather choose Anna of Arendelle over Kristin Cavallari? At least choose an insane movement that isn’t entirely fronted by the D-est of the D-listers.

Oh, and vaccinate your kids, for fuck’s sake. I can’t believe we even need to discuss this. There are tiny babies and sick children with compromised immune systems you will actually murder with your idiocy. Nice fucking work, assholes.