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Kit Harington Wants To Be Your Wacky Batman

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | January 20, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | January 20, 2015 |

You know Kit Harington as the know-nothing Jon Snow on Game of Thrones, and from forgettable flicks as Silent Hill: Revelation 3D and Pompeii. But did you know this British ingendude dreams of playing Batman?

Talking to MTV, Harington confessed that if he had his pick of film projects, “I’d love to play a superhero. I would love to play Batman.” Makes sense. The dude broods beautifully and we know he looks good in black. Yet growly, sad sack Batman is not the version Harington is interested in.

“I’d camp him up again,” Harington offered. “He’s gone way too dark and serious. I’d like proper spandex. Superhero movies got all too serious — they need to get silly again.”


This undoubtedly would be another disaster on Harington’s film résumé, and yet I want it more than I’ve ever wanted anything.