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Kim Kardashian Was Robbed at Gunpoint and People Are Being Absolute D*cks about It

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | October 3, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | October 3, 2016 |

Apart from Hillary Clinton, Kim Kardashian is probably the most visible depiction of An Unlikable Woman at this point in time. She represents for many the dumbing down and slutting up of society. At best she’s the subject of unilateral mockery, at worst universal hatred. And like Clinton, even her supporters feel compelled to qualify her defense. “You have to admit…” “Regardless of how you feel…” “Even if you hate her…” And like Clinton, no amount of listing any good qualities will turn her detractors any direction but hateward.

And so last night, when she was robbed at gunpoint by two men pretending to be police officers, bound and locked in her bathroom and robbed of millions of dollars worth of jewelry, the response was predictably terrible. And it’s not just shitty tweets. There’s an actual article with a point-by-point list of all the reasons she’s probably lying. And we unfortunately don’t have video, but professional Today aficionado Kristy Puchko said Al Roker implied this was Kardashian’s fault for tweeting about her ring before the robbery.

I’m not going to share the asshole tweets. I’m going to share the actual message I hope people get. And remember, this is a human being you hate so much, one who has never actually hurt anyone. You hate her because she’s annoying. As though annoying is reason enough to hate at this level.