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Keanu Reeves Alexandra Grant Getty.jpg

Keanu Reeves Has an Age Appropriate Girlfriend and the Internet Couldn't Be Happier

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | November 5, 2019 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | November 5, 2019 |

Keanu Reeves Alexandra Grant Getty.jpg

2019 has been a great year for Keanu Reeves and the world remembering how much it loves Keanu Reeves. What’s not to love? He’s charming, earnest, kills people to avenge his dead dog, makes wise comments about the afterlife, and is seemingly utterly free from f*ckboy tendencies. In a year where so many men disappointed us, there was something about the shining light of Keanu that kept us going. What could make him better?

How about Keanu in love with an awesome accomplished woman who’s age-appropriate for a man in his 50s?

Reeves attended the LACMA Art + Film Gala presented by Gucci in Los Angeles on Saturday with artist Alexandra Grant. The pair have previously collaborated on projects and they established the publishing house X Artists’ Books, dedicated to artist-centered works. She’s acclaimed and badass and gorgeous and look at how cute they are together!

The internet, of course, went wild. We just want Keanu to be happy, dammit, but we’re also far too relieved to see a famous man in his 50s dating a woman closer to his age than that of his potential grandkids.

Yes, I know it’s kind of depressing that we’ve set the bar this low for men. It shouldn’t be news that a man in his 50s is dating a woman in her 40s and celebrating that as some glowing sign of progressiveness is pretty sad. Still, admit it, you were kind of relieved when you found out Alexandra Grant wasn’t 25. This is where we are with Hollywood and misogyny: We just expect these men to get older and their girlfriends to stay the same age. Leo DiCaprio is the default mode, not the exception to the rule. So let us have this one for a while, okay? Besides, aren’t you delighted to see Keanu so happy?

Header Image Source: Getty Images.