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Kate Winslet Deals Leo the Death Blow, Admits What We've All Known Since We First Saw 'Titanic'

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | February 2, 2016 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | February 2, 2016 |

Is it not enough we’ve spent the past several months burning Leo DiCaprio’s Oscar dreams to the ground; has not our generally mockery over every word of publicity about The Revenant filming hardships hurt enough? Was every longing suck on that slender vape pen as he waited to hear his name called at the SAG awards all for naught? Would the one woman — his dearest longtime friend — who’s always brought him true happiness and a genuine smile have crushed him harder than the Academy ever could?


I’m so sorry Leo, but it appears to be true. When Kate Winslet stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live last night, the host mentioned how excited people were that she sat nearby DiCaprio aka Jack Dawson at the SAG awards, despite the fact that she let him freeze to death in the water. WHO AMONG US (other than Jack and Rose) DIDN’T WONDER WHY HE COULDN’T SIDLE UP NEXT TO HER?


We knew all Rose had to do was scooch over a smidge and nearly twenty years later, Kate finally admitted the truth.


Of course Winslet is so completely charming, Leo will surely forgive her.

p.s. Kate not only copped a feel of Susan Sarandon’s boobs, she grabbed Kristen Wiig’s butt. That’s our girl.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)