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On This, Joe Rogan Is 100 Percent Right

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | April 30, 2021 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | April 30, 2021 |


Joe Rogan, who is given to more than the occasional conspiracy theory, and who once thought it would be cool to host Alex Jones on his podcast, recently came under fire for controversial … nope, dumb statements he made about COVID-19 vaccines. Specifically, Rogan said that those under the age of 21 don’t really need to bother, because his kids got COVID and it wasn’t a big deal, so obviously it’s not a big deal for anyone else under 21.

It’s not often that Joe Rogan walks back comments he makes on his podcast, but in yesterday’s episode, he did just that. And for once, Joe Rogan is 100 percent right about what he said, specifically, “I’m not a doctor, I’m a f***-ing moron,” he said. “I’m not a respected source of information, even for me … But I at least try to be honest about what I’m saying.”

Ah yes: The Tucker Carlson defense! “You can’t sue me, because no reasonable person actually believes anything that I say!” It’s true. Unfortunately, our country is full of unreasonable people. They’re everywhere, and they absorb misinformation like sponges, and both Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan have huge audiences full of unreasonable people.

Hopefully, however, Rogan’s fans will at least take his one statement to heart: He is “not a doctor,” but he is a “f***-ing moron.” On the other hand, the “f***-ing moron” did try and split hairs on his podcast. “I said I believe they’re safe and I encourage many people to take them. My parents were vaccinated. I just said that if you’re a young, healthy person that you don’t need it. Their argument was, you need it for other people … But that’s a different argument. That’s a different conversation.”

Oh! The old “it’s a different conversation” defense. “Look, if you trip and fall and bust your head open, that’s unfortunate! But is it also funny? Well, that’s a different conversation.”