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J.K. Rowling Handily Shuts Down Twit(terer) Complaining About Dumbledore Being Gay

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | March 25, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | March 25, 2015 |

This is the world we live in, people. In October of 2007, Harry Potter author answered a fan’s question about whether Albus Dumbledore had ever found true love with a declaration that the beloved Professor was gay, and the controversy over this revelation about her own character continues to this day. For her part, Rowling is patient, and knows exactly how to politely shut down homophobia with but a few eloquent words — demonstrated by her response to a (now deleted) tweet by user “anakocovic21,” lamenting that she couldn’t see Dumbledore “in that way.”



Thank you very much, have a nice day!

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)