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Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart Deride Sexist Questions in Awkward Interview

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | August 5, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | August 5, 2015 |

Ahead of the release of their upcoming American Ultra, Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart flipped the gender switch on an awkward interview they had with one another in order to illustrate a point about the idiocy of questions female celebrities are often asked in interviews compared to what men are asked. I feel like this has been done once already this year (yes it has: Mark Ruffalo and Scarlett Johansson), but it always bears repeating: Female celebrities are often asked insanely invasive questions about their personal lives, their boobs, and their choice of clothing, while male celebs are asked about, you know, their favorite sports team.

Stewart — who once again reminds us that we like her in spite of Twilight (and in spite of her latest choice of role) — shows a more comedic side of her personality, while Eisenberg is pure Eisenberg (“The red capes are coming!”