By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | August 10, 2015 |
By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | August 10, 2015 |
Over the weekend, Jennifer Lawrence visited the Shriners Hospital for Children in Montreal, carrying on the awesome tradition of mega-celebrities being super cool and spending time with some sick children.
Now, I know some of you ultra-cynics are just itching to remind us all that the celebrities don’t exactly get nothing out of these visits. They’re huge for publicity and image. So yes, the celebrities benefit. But so what? Who cares? You know who doesn’t care? The kids who get to spend some time with their idols. Here are a bunch of other celebrities who made a bunch of kids happy and melted our hearts in the process.
Johnny Depp
Anne Hathaway
Paul Rudd
Taylor Swift
Chris Pratt
Chris Pratt again
Even more Chris Pratt
Yup, Pratt again
The Chrisses Pratt and Evans
Lady Sif!
The new Ghostbusters
An old Ghostbuster