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Jennifer Lawrence And Amy Schumer Are Teaming Up For Your Future Favorite Movie

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | August 27, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | August 27, 2015 |

Oh to be the fly on the wall of the hangouts between Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer!

Thanks to Schumer’s generous Twitter account, we’ve seen the celebs’ bond blossom from strangers-but-mutual-fans to besties who jetski. Now, they’re co-screenwriters (a first for Lawrence) and soon-to-be onscreen sisters.

Speaking with The New York Times, J. Law dished that her time spent with Schumer wasn’t all play and no work. The two decided to craft a comedy. She explained, “We play sisters. We’re almost done writing. It just flowed out of us. We’ve got about 100 pages right now…Amy and I were creatively made for each other.”

The Oscar-winning star of The Hunger Games teams with the Peabody-winning star of Trainwreck? Though the script is still in its early stages, we expect studios to scramble over rights to this unnamed comedy. Here’s hoping Lawrence and Schumer know their worth and demand bank.

Lawrence also gave a glimpse into how this enviable friendship began. She made the first move, e-mailing Schumer after seeing Trainwreck: “I don’t know where to get started. I guess I should just say it: I’m in love with you.” E-mailing turned to texting, which naturally turned to jetskiing.

And yeah, Schumer texts just about how you’d expect. “I wrote, ‘I just spilled the beans to The New York Times. Is that O.K.?’”, she told the Times after taking a moment to message her funny friend, “And Amy wrote back, ‘That you’re gay? Totally! It’s exciting!’”

I mean…that would be too.

Kristy Puchko lives in perpetual fear that ice cream will become self-aware New York City.