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Jemaine Clement Dedicatedly Trolls Pro-Rape MRA Douche Roosh

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | February 9, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | February 9, 2016 |

We’ve told you about “neo-masculanist” Roosh V’s plan for a super secret IHOP meetup and how that gloriously crashed and burned. Since then, Roosh, who has previously advocated that rape “off public grounds” should be legal, has had some rough days full of criticism, threats and public ridicule. But the best of much much mocking came at the hands of New Zealand comedian, Jemaine Clement.

The Flight of the Conchords star committed to Twitter this weekend, taking on Roosh and his vocal supporters. And the results have been incredible.

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Between this and Clement’s cheeky reply below, it seems he’s gunning hard for Pajiba 10, playing right to our sweet spots.

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Great work, Clement. Now please get back to writing a What We Do In The Shadows sequel.

Kristy Puchko lives in perpetual fear that ice cream will become self-aware New York City.