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Jay Pharoah's Impression of Chris Rock In Front of Chris Rock Is Fun

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | September 8, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | September 8, 2014 |

Out at the Toronto Film Festival, Chris Rock’s Top Five has sparked a fierce bidding war over the comedy, starring and directed by Rock. It’s about a comedian who tries to make it as a serious actor when his reality-TV star fiancé talks him into broadcasting their wedding on her TV show. Rosario Dawson plays his wife, while Adam Sandler, Jerry Seinfeld and Kevin Hart have cameos in the film, which is likely to go for at least $5 million, so says THR.

Meanwhile, at what appears to be the premiere for the film, Jay Pharoah was able to crack out his Chris Rock impression, in front of Chris Rock, which I’m certain made for a surreal moment for both guys.

Source: Instagram