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Lucius Malfoy Nails George Osborne's Balls To The Wall Over Newspaper Editing Gig

By Petr Navovy | Celebrity | March 17, 2017 |

By Petr Navovy | Celebrity | March 17, 2017 |

Hello, America!

I know you’re feeling pretty bad about the goings on in your homeland right about now, so I’m here to remind you that—hey, you’re not alone in your shit!

I’m not sure how many of you know who George Osborne is. It’s this bloke, in the back:


He was our last Chancellor of the Exchequer over here in Britain. Him and his odious pals ran the country’s economy into the ground in the name of ‘austerity’. You know, that easily debunkable front for top-down class warfare and wealth transferal? Even while the rest of the world—the IMF included!—was turning away from austerity, Gideon Osborne went on, full steam ahead. Damn the poor! Jettison the sick! Sell it all off!

Well, news broke earlier today that ol’ Georgie Osborne has just landed a sweet, sweet, post-Chancellor gig. He’s gonna be a newspaper editor! Not just any paper, either! London’s Evening Standard—a free, daily paper that dominates the print news landscape here in the capital. Which—great for him! I was starting to worry about how he was gonna survive with just that measly £650,000-for-4-days-a-month-gig at investment managing firm, Blackrock. I mean, that on it’s own would scarcely get him through the week once that £70k MP’s salary ran out. One doesn’t maintain their status as highest earning MP without hustling a little bit!

George Osborne is a horrible, evil little shit, and the Evening Standard has long been a gatekeeping, corporatist right wing rag, so, really: a match made in heaven!

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn expressed his dismay at yet another display of the media/business/political revolving door that runs this country with a brief and to the point tweet:

But it was Lucius Malfoy himself, Jason Isaacs, who delivered the best blow of the day at the announcement of this ridiculous news:



Petr Knava
lives in London and plays music