By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | November 13, 2018 |
By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | November 13, 2018 |
Here at Pajiba, we are not exactly fans of the abrasive man who talks smack about dead people he sued, talks about the erosion of decency while being accused of being a dirty old man, and takes glee in insulting anyone who doesn’t agree with him. His Twitter feed is usually a mix of reprehensible comments interspersed with even more incendiary attacks against “libs.” Obviously, we were all confused when Woods’ feed began actually trying to help people.
The California Wildfires — now the deadliest in the state’s history — that began at the start of this month, took Woods’ Twitter timeline from this:
Now the #DemocratAntifaMob has handed Tucker Carlson and his wife grounds to be granted a concealed carry permit. #Irony #2A
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 8, 2018
To this:
In the midst of life-threatening chaos, even decent people make mistakes. #PetEvacuation #CampFire
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 8, 2018
You can help #CampFire victims and families by searching hashtag #CampFire for missing people and pets. Some people have been cut off from endangered loved ones who need lifesaving assistance. Retweeting their info and a contact person on Twitter by “@” can save lives.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 8, 2018
It was an understanding, helpful, and fervently compassionate move from someone who has done and said all of the things Woods has said during the last two years. Even more confounding and possibly heart-warming? It doesn’t seem to be an act or a deliberate move toward contrition or reinvention. Woods honestly wants to help his fellow citizens of this country by connecting them with lost loved ones, shelter locations, help for evacuating large livestock, and finding missing pets during the raging fire that’s destroying homes and lives in California.
#DaySix of the #CaliforniaWildFires. We tag reports of #Missing persons (and animals) using #CampFireJamesWoods (for north fires) and #SoCalFiresJamesWoods (south fires). Use those hashtags and my many followers will retweet your pleas and info, like a community bulletin board.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 13, 2018
On the one hand, it is encouraging to know someone whom many wrote off as unfeeling and selfish has it within himself to do so much good for people he has never met and who might disagree with him politically. On the other, the proof that Woods is capable of such things somehow makes it more difficult to understand his worldview and choices in life. I am both relieved and flabbergasted that Woods has the capacity to do good. It isn’t “even a stopped clock is right twice a day” but rather an illustration of what humanity may still exist below the surface of someone who kept it well-hidden for so long.
Does this mean I forgive Woods of his previous wrongs? No, no no no no no. Long-term changes and possible apologies do that. Do I think that even those with whom I vehemently disagree politically can be good people, possibly unable to differentiate the implications of their political leanings from something as black and white as fire bad, life good? I’m not sure. I just confused myself further. But maybe? Maybe.
At this time, I want to say that I appreciate and thank Woods for what he is doing. I can only hope that introspection about what led him to such lengths to help other people can point him toward doing the same again in the future — or at least in toning done his aggressive stances on Twitter.
It may feel like the end of the world, but crises like the #CaliforniaWildfires remind us how much we have always reached out to each other in times of need. #FirstResponders #CampFireJamesWoods #SoCalFiresJamesWoods
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 13, 2018