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James McAvoy Feels Inadequate Due to Mark Ruffalo's HUGE ... Unicycle

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | January 10, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | January 10, 2015 |

The more I watch Graham Norton, the more I realize that the American talk show format of only having guests interact with the host in a very specific interview fashion is woefully dull. Even hosts willing to do some fun activities with their guests still center it around themselves (looking at you, Fallon) as opposed to the guests having fun together. I don’t know why, since as we can see from this clip of Mark Ruffalo and James McAvoy unicycling around the Graham Norton set together, there are some fantastic possibilities out there when you get guests to play off each other. Bonus: McAvoy’s various exclamation of worry and alarm while sitting on the unicycle. “The sword of the Lord is filled with blood” indeed.

Also in that episode was Meryl Streep telling the story about the time Dino de Laurentiis called her ugly at an audition. Worth watching both for the reminder that life kind of sucks sometimes, even for Meryl Streep, and also for the complete and total disdain dripping from her voice on that last “King Kong.”

That part appears to have gone to Jessica Lange who is also fabulous so there’s really no losers here except for that version of King Kong. Which looks to have been just terrible.