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Jada Pinkett Smith on Anne Hathaway: She’s a Real Ally

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | February 19, 2019 |

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | February 19, 2019 |


On the most recent episode of Red Table Talk, Jada Pinkett Smith, her daughter Willow, discussed Anne Hathaway within the overall context of white women and white privilege. The highlights, as transcribed by People are below:

“As women of color, we really have to recognize when white women come in to help that we make room for it. Because there’s been a couple of times, like when Anne Hathaway, or—” Pinkett Smith says before Willow cuts her off.

“It’s trust issues,” Willow says.

“It is trust issues. I get it! But at some point, where are we, as black women, going to be able to recognize an ally?” Pinkett Smith continues later.

It’s a great episode with actor Justina Machado, activist/author Rachel Cargle, and writer Amie Newman. I tried very hard to figure out how to embed the video for your viewing pleasure, but I am apparently not skilled with the facebook embeds. You can see the whole episode here, and if you have the time, it was a really interesting discussion.

Anne, if you recall, made a point to use her social media platform to acknowledge the horrific murder of Nia Wilson, who was minding her own business when a white man brutally slashed her throat on a BART platform in Oakland.

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The murder of Nia Wilson- may she rest in the power and peace she was denied here- is unspeakable AND MUST NOT be met with silence. She is not a hash tag; she was a black woman and she was murdered in cold blood by a white man. White people- including me, including you- must take into the marrow of our privileged bones the truth that ALL black people fear for their lives DAILY in America and have done so for GENERATIONS. White people DO NOT have equivalence for this fear of violence. Given those givens, we must ask our (white)selves- how “decent” are we really? Not in our intent, but in our actions? In our lack of action? Peace and prayers and JUSTICE for Nia and the Wilson family xx Note: the comments for this post are closed. #blacklivesmatter #antiracist #noexcuse #sayhername #earntherighttosayhername

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A brief scroll through her social media feeds demonstrates that Anne shows up for women, and the causes she believes in—she doesn’t make it about her, she simply uses her voice and her platform in order to call attention to the people and things that deserve attention.

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This post resonated with me- way to go @zerowastehome- and I wanted to share it with you. It also brought up something for me: I am conflicted about blithely touting a zero waste lifestyle here because I know so much of my ability to even attempt it rests on my privilege. I feel it’s borderline obnoxious for me to promote this lifestyle like everyone has the same access to it that I have- I mean, reusable water bottles are great but not when you live in a community with unsafe drinking water. Buying bulk is not an option when you live in a food desert and have no time. Access is not the same for everyone, and yet I can’t deny that committing to living this way is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have never had a perfect zero waste day. I will never fit five years of trash in a mason jar, but I am not mindlessly filling up landfills at the rate I was either. Just offering my best gives me something to feel good about and, over time, my best has gotten better. No one can do everything but almost everyone can do something. Have you tried adopting any zero waste habits? What’s working for you?

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There’s no doubt that as non-garbage white women we need to do a much better job at supporting all women, and making sure everyone’s voice is heard. While I don’t have a snappy answer for how to do that, I’m glad that the conversation is taking place—and that Jada Pinkett Smith is using part of her celebrity in order to have these conversations on a larger platform. It’s also good to see that the gross narrative of “everyone hates Anne Hathaway” is finally done with, because she seems like a good egg, and in a viper’s pit like Hollywood, it’s nice to know that there are a few people out there who will fight the good fight.