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What If Seth Rogen Was Hemsworth Hot?

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 4, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 4, 2017 |

One of the site’s 10 best movies of 2016 — and one of my three favorite movies — is called Sing Street, this deliriously intoxicating coming of age movie that combines elements of Once and Billy Elliot and The Commitments. Remember The Commitments? Let’s reminisce:

The Commitments - Try a Little Tenderness by algizdk

Anyway, back to Sing Street: It’s about this group of misfit teenagers who decide to start a band basically so the lead singer can grab the attention of a woman, but it’s more than that, too. It’s about music, and being yourself, and escaping your shitty socioeconomic status, and how outcasts gravitate toward one another.

The music is also terrific, as the Sing Street band goes through a variety of 80’s genres. There are a few music videos online from the film, but none capture the precise magic of Sing Street without the proper context, but it is one hell of an exuberant film. It’s on Netflix. It will bring you so much fucking joy.

One of the highlights of the film is an actor named Jack Reynor, who plays the stoner older brother. He’s Irish, by way of Colorado, and he’s been around for a bit. He was in Transformers: Age of Extinction and MacBeth with Fassbender, and he was up for the role of Han Solo in the prequel. He’s going to be a huge fucking star, maybe as soon as Ben Wheatley’s Free Fire with Brie Larson, but certainly by year’s end, after he’s also starred in films with James Franco, Rosamund Pike, and a Kathryn Bigelow film with John Boyega.

Watching him play a stoner in Sing Street with long hair, however, I couldn’t escape one overriding thought: Jack Reynor is what would happen if Seth Rogen was Hemsworth hot and had an Irish accent.

He’s got the Rogen expressions circa Undeclared but the Hemsworth appeal is inescapable. Plus that accent? Dear God, it’s like they made the perfect person. We don’t even need the three Hemsworth brothers and Seth Rogen anymore. They’ve all been encapsulated in one perfect human being.

Anyway, watch Sing Street. It’s on Netflix. It’s outstanding. You will not regret it.