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It's Been 10 Years Since the MTV Movie Awards's Best Ever Moment. Let's Relive It.

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | April 13, 2015 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | April 13, 2015 |

Last night, the MTV the kids seem to like held their annual Movie Awards. I’m sure it was real neat. But in 2005, the show peaked with its greatest moment ever, a moment to end all other moments, a Best Kiss to put all other Best Kisses to shame with a pair of actors who were IN LOVE and we were IN LOVE with them and their LOVE was simply too great and powerful to survive this crazy mixed up world. So, in honor of that one moment of splendor, let’s relive the one thing the MTV Movie Awards will never be able to top: the Ryan Gosling/Rachel McAdams Best Kiss acceptance of 2005, better known as the SPLOOSH heard ‘round the world.

IT STILL ISN’T OVER FOR US MCGOSLING SHIPPERS. (No offense, Eva Mendes, I’m sure you guys are a really great pair and a sweet family.)