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'I'm So Proud Of You': Get Ready To Cry Almost As Hard As Tiffany Haddish Meeting Her Hero, Oprah

By Tori Preston | Celebrity | February 22, 2018 |

By Tori Preston | Celebrity | February 22, 2018 |


So you know that thing Ellen DeGeneres does on her show, where she surprises her guests? Sometimes it’s a straight up scare, but sometimes it’s Tiffany Haddish meeting Oprah Winfrey. By which I mean: sometimes it’s the most lovely, heartwarming, necessary thing you’ll see all week.

Here are some essential truths we all must accept as a part of our worldview now:

1) Tiffany Haddish can make literally anything charming, including hysterical sobbing, super-fandom, and misspellings.

2) Even Oprah ain’t above lying about reading her fan mail.

3) Even Tiffany ain’t above calling her on that shit. O: “I lost the letter!” T: “But I sent you like six!”

4) The Tiff & O’s vegetable stand business plan is legit. Like, white binder LEGIT. And I want it to happen.

5) Hearing Oprah say “I’m so proud of you” brings tears to my eyes. She doesn’t even have to be saying it to me. She can say it to anyone, at any time, and such is the power of Oprah that it will just wreck me emotionally.