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Is Ian McKellen Playing Gandalf Again?

By Andrew Sanford | Celebrity | September 3, 2024 |

By Andrew Sanford | Celebrity | September 3, 2024 |


Never say never in Hollywood! Many actors, writers, and directors have sworn off working with other actors, writers, and directors. They put their feet down, refusing to attend another meeting with a big studio that has screwed them over. There have been think-pieces written about how some relationships will never be mended. Actors swear up and down that they won’t return to a role that made them famous. It all feels very final. Then, someone fills a dump truck with cash, and everything changes. Even people who have broken down on set are not immune to the almighty dollar.

“This is not why I became an actor.” That is what Ian McKellen said while filming the Hobbit films. It was his second go at playing Gandalf, a citizen of Middle Earth. It is one of the actors’ most recognizable roles. He was nominated for an Oscar for playing the role. McKellen embodies the tall, joyous but stern wizard. But, the second time he wore the pointed hat, he was “miserable.”

There were a lot of practical sets and effects in the first Lord Of The Rings films. They shot in beautiful locations and on massive sets. Over a decade later, when the Hobbit films were shot, green screen had become even more prominent. McKellen would shoot entire scenes alone with his co-stars edited in later (or shot at the same time but in an adjoining room). The actor hated it, even having a breakdown on set. Now, he might be back for more.

Lord Of The Rings is as popular as ever. An anime based on the Rohirrim will be released later this year. Peter Jackson is set to reboot the films for Warner Brothers Discovery (if David Zaslav doesn’t sell the property first). Even Gollum is getting in on the action! Andy Serkis will star in, and direct, a movie about everyone’s favorite little ring creep. It turns out that McKellen may be joining Serkis for the return.

“Enthusiasm for The Lord of the Rings shows no sign of abating,” the actor told The Big Issue in an interview. “I can’t tell you any more than that. I’ve just been told there are going to be more films and Gandalf will be involved and they hope that I’ll be playing him.” I love the casualness of him revealing information the studio would likely want hidden. It feels similar to Alfred Molina spoiling his return as Doctor Octopus. Two legendary actors with no time for shenanigans.

McKellen is not retiring any time soon. Still, the man is 85. At a certain point, he may not have a choice in the matter. So, he hopes that WBD gets their act together soon. “When? I don’t know. What the script is? It’s not written yet. So, they better be quick,” McKellen explained. The possibility is there. If McKellen is willing to (likely) deal with even more green screen than before, more power to him. But if WBD wants him to play Gandalf in several “films,” they better show him the meaning of haste.