By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | May 28, 2015 |
By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | May 28, 2015 |
Let’s take a trip back in time to 2010, a wondrous time when Justin Bieber was just a wee fetus (fetusier than he is today) and we were all making that Inception BRAHHHHMMMMMM music sting sound all the time. One of the stranger celebrity scandals that year was the curious case of January Jones’s car accident. Jones hit three parked cars and, desperate for help, called…Bobby Flay. You know. This guy.
Let’s revisit this bonkers-ass story, courtesy of TMZ.
A woman who owns one of the cars that was hit tells TMZ … she heard the crash, looked over her balcony and saw Jones. She says around 10 minutes after the crash, Food Network star Bobby Flay showed up in a separate car, began talking with her and telling her to leave the scene, which she did.We spoke with Flay, who tells us he was watching the basketball game last night at The London West Hollywood Hotel with a group of people that included Jones. Flay says he saw her drink a beer but wasn’t really watching her alcohol intake. Flay says he had only met Jones once before, and last night she asked for his number because she wanted to redo her kitchen and give his number to her designer. Flay obliged, and says he doesn’t know why Jones chose to call him after the crash, but nonetheless he drove over to help her. He says he did not argue but just wanted to make sure she was ok.
The witness at the scene tells TMZ she was face-to-face with Jones and smelled alcohol on her breath. The witness says Jones left her driver’s license with another resident and left. She returned 45 minutes later in a different set of clothes, chewing gum.
Jones was never issued a field sobriety test because police said she could have had a drink while she was at home changing clothes and scarfing gum. You know. Pretty famous white lady rules for the law like that.
Of course, just a few years later, Jones saw scandal again when she refused to reveal the paternity of her son, leading most to believe the father was married. Most speculate Matthew Vaughn, her X-Men: First Class director, but Flay’s name was definitely diced around like poblano peppers in one of his many, many compound oils.
The reason we’re discussing all this flawless gossip history? Bobby Flay and his wife ADA Alex Cabot Stephanie March are in the midst of one ugly divorce. He’s pulling all kinds of we-totally-knew-he-was-an-asshole-from-the-way-he-grills stunts like trying to kick her and her ailing mother out of their house and cutting her down to a $5,000 per month alimony (which is really low for celebrity divorces—REALLY low, like, real people money). So, naturally, she’s been pulling some First Wives Club realness and accusing him of banging everyone, from his assistant to, yes, January Jones. According to In Touch, March is including Jones in Flay’s long list of adulterous partners.
In Touch’s source alleges: ‘Stephanie is claiming in court papers that Bobby committed adultery with January several times during the early months of 2010.‘She says they had sex many times and in different places, including the London hotel in Los Angeles.’
Let’s all make some artisanal popcorn with a chili-lime oil and eat it while we watch this mess, shall we? TEAM ALEX CABOT.