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In Jonathan Majors Interview, He Refers To New Girlfriend Meagan Good as His 'Coretta'

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 8, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 8, 2024 |


This morning, Jonathan Majors gave his first interview since he was found guilty of reckless assault and harassment against his ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari. (Ironically, as Andrew Sanford points out, the interview was on Good Morning America on a network owned by Disney, the same studio that fired Majors from the Marvel universe).

I am in a place in 2024 where I am more amenable to accepting celebrity apologies, and I am often annoyed when social media is so readily dismissive, so much so that I have begun to believe that celebrity apologies are pointless because our culture is so primed to reject them, no matter how genuine or authentic.

And yet, this Jonathan Majors interview is bad. The man had been considered one of the best young actors in Hollywood, and yet his demeanor is flat and unconvincing. He begins the interview — at least in the GMA edit — by trying to invite sympathy, shedding a tear while claiming that “I haven’t been able to see my daughter in a long time. A lot of it has to do with this situation.”

Asked if he’d have changed anything that night, Majors said, “I wouldn’t have picked [Jabarri] up and tried to keep her in the car. I would have gotten out of that car and ran. Immediately.” He continues to play victim, suggesting his relationship with Jabarri was toxic. He says he stayed because he was scared. “I found that, with the red flags, this is dangerous. I should have been brave … and I should have walked away, but I didn’t.”

Majors insisted that he didn’t physically harm Jabbari, saying he was only “reckless with her heart.” He also claimed that he’s never “participated” in domestic violence, although he says he has “witnessed it” and “I’ve been smacked up before … but I’ve never exercised it.”

Majors did, however, admit that he could have been a “jerk” or a “mean guy” in his early relationships but attributed his behavior to “depression and childhood trauma.”

As for text messages where Majors threatened suicide. “Ideations of removing myself from situations permanently is a thought I had since I was a young boy on a farm in Texas. It’s not there anymore. I’m doing the work.”

Here’s where the interview is most yikes. Asked about his current relationship with Meagan Good, Majors said, “She’s an angel. She’s held me down like … like a Coretta. I’m so blessed.”

Majors is referring to Coretta Scott King, as he did during an audio recording with his ex-girlfriend where he demanded that she be more like Coretta Scott King or Michelle Obama because Majors believes he is the next MLK or Barack Obama.

Majors also continues to claim that it was “unjust” that Jabarri was never arrested and prosecuted for allegedly assaulting Majors.

In other words, the “young boy on a farm from Texas” who had been “smacked up” as a child has only ever been a “mean guy” because of “childhood trauma” and his ex-girlfriend should have been arrested because that woman is no Coretta Scott King; she is the reason he can’t see his daughter. Everything is her fault. None of it is his.

Source: Good Morning America via X