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Idris Elba Tweets a Picture Perfect Response to Those Bond Rumors

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | December 29, 2014 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | December 29, 2014 |

Idris has a Twitter account, and he knows how to use it. Added bonus: he always seems to manage just the right combination of humility and humor. Case in point, this perfect goofy-sweet response to the news he just might be taking on the role of James Bond, once Daniel Craig moves on:

As for that racist crap being spewed by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Idris addressed that sort of nonsense back in 2011 (goes to show how long we’ve all known he’d make a perfect Bond):

“I just don’t want to be the black James Bond,” he says. “Sean Connery wasn’t the Scottish James Bond, and Daniel Craig wasn’t the blue-eyed James Bond, so if I played him, I don’t want to be called the black James Bond.”

Smart, funny, handsome, sharp in a suit, and knows just how he’d nab a cab to get to a meeting with Sony, should they call…

“…I’d take the taxi driver out of the car, hostage. The taxi; jump out while it was moving, jump onto a pedal bike that was just past the door as I got on it, and then get onto a plane — on the wing — land on top of Sony Studios, slide through the air conditioning, and land in the office.”

I’d say we have our next 007.


Cindy Davis, (Twitter)