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Michael Gambon Has a Wife and a Mistress and Everyone Is Cool with It Because Albus Dumbledore? That Guy F-cks

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | July 7, 2017 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | July 7, 2017 |

Alternate title: The Guy, His Wife, Something Else and His Lover and you can see now why that wasn’t my title.

Do you know anything about Michael Gambon’s personal life? Of course not. Distinguished actors are v. fancy and v. classy and as such focus only upon the craft and never the daft peasantry of the tabloid existence.

Or, alternately, they are far more interesting than any of the nonsensical fuckery we presently waste our times on. Because Albus Dumbledore? This guy fucks.

Gambon is 76, but an old British 76 where he looks like he’s the product of a mating betwixt cotton candy and testicles. He and his wife, Anne Miller, have been married since 1962. They have a son, Fergus, who is an expert on Antiques Roadshow, which is the Britishest thing I’ve ever heard.

Now, in 2000, he began dating Philippa Hart. She is 25 years his junior. They have two young sons together.

He is still married to Miller. He splits his time between the two. According to the Daily Mail, his wife “was initially said to be devastated by the news, with Sir Michael moving out of their home, she evidently came to terms with the arrangement, as he subsequently moved back in.” So…things are cool. Just the other day, the Mail shared photos of The Actor, His Mistress, Their Son and Her Culottes on their way to a party.

I guess…good for everyone. And that everyone involved is happy and apparently more progressive than I am. *claps in British?*