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Henry Cavill Posts a Touching Tribute To ... His Mustache

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | March 21, 2018 |

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | March 21, 2018 |


It seems like only yesterday that Mustache Gate was upon us, with Henry Cavill blocked from shaving his Mission Impossible: Yes, Another One mustache for Justice League reshoots. As I watched Justice League again the other night, I full-body cringed at the terrible CGI Warner Bros. and DC used to remove Superman’s ‘stache (seriously, make friends with someone at Marvel and get their CGI person). Today, Cavill posted a tribute to that mustache and, well, it’s a thing of beauty.

Cavill is. Also the tribute. Enjoy.


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Jebus bless that accent and the delicious way that man is put together.