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Grimes's Mother and Lilly Wachowski Have No Effing Time for Elon Musk's Red Pill Twitter Crap

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | May 18, 2020 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | May 18, 2020 |

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Elon Musk, a man who is apparently intelligent, seems to have committed to being a full-time Reddit-approved Twitter troll these days. I suppose we all need a hobby, but you’d think Musk would have other things to do these days, what with him being the CEO of Tesla and, you know, his girlfriend having just given birth to their oddly-named son. What a prize, that Elon.

I’m actually surprised it’s taken this long for Musk to go full MRA in his Twitter nonsense. I guess he needed some extra flavors of sh*te to season his usual anti-union, anti-lockdown propaganda since the pot jokes and attempts at memes didn’t work.

For those of you not in the know, the red pill reference is taken from The Matrix, wherein our darling Keanu is given the option of taking it and being shown the reality of his world, or taking the blue pill and returning to the comfort of ignorance. It quickly became adopted as proto-alt-right speak for going against the grain and refusing to listen to the system, man. Men’s rights groups — read: dangerous misogynists — appropriated it to show that they wouldn’t be kept confined by the gender roles that apparently benefit women. Conservatives in particular love to pretend that they know what The Matrix is about because they think it makes them sound smart. Case in point: Ivanka.

You know who has no effing time for this? Lilly Wachowski. You know, the woman who co-wrote and directed the Matrix franchise and helped to come up with the entire red/blue pill concept that these cave-dwellers have made their justification for why they’re such awful people.

Our queen, we stan.

Lilly and Lana Wachowski are two of the most successful and influencer film-makers of the past 25 years, and it has escaped nobody how The Matrix can be read as a story about trans people breaking free from the smothering confines of society. Lilly herself said it was ‘a cool thing’ to see queer and trans readings of the movies because ‘it’s an excellent reminder that art is never static.’ So, of course, that all escaped the MRA and Trump creeps.

We’re not sure how Grimes feels about Musk spending so many hours tweeting MRA bullsh*t approved by Ivanka Trump. I would assume she has other priorities right now. Her mother, however, has no qualms about stirring the pot. Sandy Garossino is a former Crown prosecutor and media commentator in Canada whose work is pretty prominent. I’m guessing that her new son-in-law doesn’t delight her because she took to Twitter to slam him with some now-deleted tweets.

This delight is also in her liked tweets.

I really don’t know much about Garossino’s work but I can’t help but be entertained by her obvious disdain for Musk. Welcome to the club. I’m sure their next family gathering will be a bundle of laughs.

Header Image Source: Getty Images.