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Great Things You Might Have Missed On Twitter: Sam Neill, Tom Hanks, Tom Holland, And Drag Queens

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | June 21, 2019 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | June 21, 2019 |


With so much going on with Twitter all day and night, you might miss the bits that are the most fun. So let’s take a second to circle back to some of the delightful highlights, featuring earnestness, shenanigans, and elegance from Tom Hanks, Tom Holland, Sam Neill, and drag queens Trixie Mattel, Katya, and Alyssa Edwards.

First up, a tweet from Sam Neill, who regularly thrills Twitter by sharing pics and vids of adorable animals from his farm. Devotees of this Jurassic Park icon know he has his own vineyard, Two Paddocks. And here he does a bit of cross-promotion, sipping his Pinot Noir from the preferred wine glass of wine critic Jancis Robinson. I know, it all sounds very dry. But trust in Neill to make it charming!…and almost alarmingly sexy.

So, Sam Neill for Pajiba 10 campaign begins here, right?

Speaking of celebrity thirst, RuPaul’s Drag Race all stars Trixie Mattel, Katya, and Alyssa Edwards gathered together to do some commentary for the MTV Movie & TV Awards. And this moment where they discuss which celeb they’d like to Best Kiss is absolutely hysterical. Audio slightly NSFW.

The campaign to get Tom Hanks to kiss Alyssa Edwards starts here.

Speaking of Tom Hanks! He swung by The Graham Norton Show to promote Toy Story 4. And to illustrate what it’s like to be in a recording booth giving voice to Woody, he enlisted Spider-Man: Homecoming’s Tom Holland in an impromptu exercise. Naturally, it was adorable.

(Full video.)

Truly, we are all Tom Holland desperately wanting to impress Daddy Tom Hanks.

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