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'Fantastic Beasts' Director Comes to Johnny Depp's Defense

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | November 28, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | November 28, 2017 |

OK, you all know the situation now. Johnny Depp was cast in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and the part of the world that most of us respect loathes that casting decision because of Depp’s history of abuse. Enough of the world, however, doesn’t give a shit, which is why the Pirates movies still make hundreds of millions of dollars and enough people went to see Murder on the Orient Express in spite of Depp that a sequel has been greenlit.

So, which side is David Yates — the director of Fantastic Beasts — on? From EW:

“Honestly, there’s an issue at the moment where there’s a lot of people being accused of things, they’re being accused by multiple victims, and it’s compelling and frightening,” Yates said. “With Johnny, it seems to me there was one person who took a pop at him and claimed something. I can only tell you about the man I see every day: He’s full of decency and kindness, and that’s all I see. Whatever accusation was out there doesn’t tally with the kind of human being I’ve been working with.”

Oh, I see! Believe women, unless there’s just the one, in which case, believe the man. Is that what I’m hearing? Does it matter that there’s video footage of Johnny Depp erupting violently? Does it matter that Amber Heard attributed a black eye to Depp? Does it matter that Depp’s own former business manager alleged that Depp had gotten “physical” with Amber Heard and attempted to cover it up?

No, because Depp is “kind and decent” out in public, but in the privacy of his own home he’s maniacally yelling, “You want to see crazy? Cause I’ll show you crazy.” A lot of people are “kind and decent” in the company of other men, but turn into monsters at home. Fuck you, David Yates. It’s bad enough that Disney cast the guy to satisfy some bottom line, but you don’t have to exacerbate the problem by defending him. Why would anyone die on this particular hill? HE’S NOT EVEN A GOOD ACTOR ANYMORE.

Source: EW