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Ellen DeGeneres Is Exiting Her Talk Show After 19 Seasons

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | May 12, 2021 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | May 12, 2021 |


Nineteen years ago, Ellen DeGeneres became the first openly gay host of a talk show. That was a big deal, especially for that time. There’s no taking that away from her. She really did help change the landscape.

On the other hand, there have been horror stories about what a tyrant she has been to her staff on her show for years, and while some celebs came to her defense, not everyone did. She’s been weaponizing her niceness for years, and after all these stories about her came out, her apology tour basically amounted to blaming it on her staff. In the meantime, she lost a million viewers.

Now Ellen is hanging it up. She will say that this was pre-planned all along, and that may be true — she says after the 16th season, she thought about hanging it up, but ultimately signed a three-year contract but had every intention of quitting after that.

And now she has, claiming that it’s just not a challenge for her anymore. That’s probably true, but it’s also probably true that her tattered reputation and falling ratings have also played a part. In any respect, she’ll be out after the 19th season, which begins in the fall.

She’ll be sitting down with Oprah to talk about the future. Her heir may end up being Kristen Bell.