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Adele Jamba uice.png

Ellen And Adele Pranking Jamba Juice Will Make You Love Ellen And Adele

By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | February 19, 2016 |

By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | February 19, 2016 |

It’s finally happened. I might have to start watching Ellen. And thus will complete my total transformation into … not my mother because she actually doesn’t watch Ellen, but somebody’s mother. And it’s not just that I now find Ellen’s brand of underwhelming, lightweight, celebrity-friendly fun endearing. It’s also the method by which she hooked me. Ellen used the most inoffensively talented of all the modern singers: Adele.

There are plenty of aspects to love about the clip: the absurdity that Jamba Juice exists, the lampooning of celebrity status, the clash of English and American cultures. But let’s get real, this is what made it.
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Have you people tasted wheatgrass? I don’t know if this qualifies Adele for an Emmy, but she’s definitely earned one.