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#DUBSMASHWARS Round 1: Team Carter Has Clearly Kicked Team SHIELD'S Ass

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | September 9, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | September 9, 2015 |

People, do not be confused by the numbers. To quote a certain idiot former POTUS, they’re using “fuzzy math.” (Wait, did I just use a Bush to support myself? I feel icky.) Anyhoo, Team SHIELD finally submitted their Round 1 #DUBSMASHWARS entry, and let me tell you, it is lame-o DUBSMASH impaired.

See for yourself:

Wrecking Ball? Are you kidding me? That is so like…2000somethingsomethingican’tthinkofanything. Come on, you can’t just throw in a barely visible Adrianne Palicki and Patton Oswalt, and think you have this thing sewn up. And I don’t care what the numbers appear to show (*coughfuzzymathcough*)


Team Carter totally has this thing sewn up. Amirite or am I right?

Someone should take away my coffee cup.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)