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Drake Will No Longer Do Magazine Interviews After 'Rolling Stone' Took Away His Cover in Favor of Philip Seymour Hoffman

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | February 13, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | February 13, 2014 |

Oh, Drake! You were so impressive on Saturday Night Live, why do you have to tarnish that lovely image we had of you afterwards by saying things on Twitter that oughtn’t be said. Specifically, Drake is complaining that wrongly attributed quotes to him about the Yeezy album and took his the cover away from him in order to give it to Philip Seymour Hoffman, who died of an overdose last week.


I hope to God that he’s “disgusted” with the comments about Yeezy attributed to him, but a literal reading of the tweets suggest otherwise. I mean, sure, the press is evil, but not because they took a cover away from him in order to pay tribute to one of the generation’s very best actors.

It’s probably best he stops doing interviews for magazines, anyway, since he might say things like “I’m disgusted” that a magazine took away my cover to honor a well respected actor who passed away too early.

Source: Hypervocal